This blog features film reviews and hopefully discussions sparked by the ever so brilliant mind of myself. I enjoy movies more than I should. So much so in fact that they are easily an obsession of mine that I can’t seem to kick. Even if I kicked really really hard.
I watch movies that span all genres, with my favorites tending to fall under the science fiction, mystery/thriller categories. The best movies are the ones that transport me into the fictional world of film and make me forget that I am watching a movie. I am completely immersed in this realm. On the contrary, the movies that make me want to bash my head against the wall until unconscious, tend to fall under the worst movie category.
When reviewing films, I look at four things. The first of which is the originality of the plot. If the storyline is riveting and tends to be unpredictable, I consider it to be a great plot. Anything less or a remake that refuses to separate itself from the original film, would deserve a lower rating.
The characters within a film need to be fully developed and must be played convincingly by the actors. Films that either miscast their roles or with flat characters, leave me bored and less connected to the film. A film may have a great story, but if the characters are not convincing, then it is wasted.
The effectiveness of a film within its genre is the third category that I base my overall rating on. Basically, if a comedy fails to draw laughs, it gets a low rating. If a drama fails to be convincing, it gets a low rating. If an action movie fails to wow me with it’s action sequences, it gets a low rating. And so on and so on.
The technical aspects of the film is the final category that I base my review on. This includes cinematography, directing, editing, and set design. I understand that some films don’t call for elaborate scenery or cutting edge direction and I won’t hold that against them, unless they are blatantly misused. For example, I don’t expect comedies to have the most impressive cinematography and yet they may receive a similar rating as an elaborately made science fiction film because what was done within its genre was adequate. I’ll probably take more notice with the science fiction film’s cinematography; however, certain movies are set in places that will not necessarily impress the audience visually.
My overall rating is the average rating of the four categories that I grade a movie on, out of four stars. One star signifies a movie that you should not waste your time on. A two star movie is mediocre and should only be rented. A three star movie is good and thoroughly enjoyable. It is by no means a masterpiece; however, it is well worth your time. A four star movie is a must see film. Drop whatever you are doing and watch it with your undivided attention. With this blog, I hope to share my thoughts on films that I have watched and help keep people watching good films that won’t cause massive amounts of wasted time.
The Breakdown of the Rating System:
Originality/uniqueness of plot: 0-4 stars
Effectiveness of characters and actors within roles: 0-4 stars
Effectiveness of movie within genre: 0-4 stars
Technical Aspects of film: 0-4 stars
Overall Rating: Total from above ratings divided by 16
100%= 4 stars
85%-99%= 3 1/2 stars
70%-84%= 3 stars
55%-69%= 2 1/2 stars
40%-54%= 2 stars
25%-39%= 1 1/2 stars
15%-24%= 1 star
1%-14%= 1/2 star
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