The Big Year has a solid cast of comedians. A movie with Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson sounds like it has the potential to be a great comedy. Maybe even a HI-larious one. Yes I went there. The next level of hilarity was assumed when popping this flick into my good old DVD player. I mean, I rented the movie expecting to, at the very least, get a few hearty chuckles out of the deal. That’s when the movie’s first mistake became crystal clear. I was watching a “comedy” that lacked comedy! The horror of this realization was unbearable. I’ll save you from the bloody and somewhat boring details. Let’s just say, I was bummed. So bummed, that it felt like a bummerang had hit me upside the head repeatedly. (Note: A bummerang is an evolved boomerang that specifically seeks out individuals who are bummed and hits them upside the head in hopes of breaking their bummed out demeanor (Note note: It is advised to avoid being bummed out, otherwise the bummerang will find you and it will hurt))
Mistake number two: The film takes place over the course of a year. The three main characters are attempting to spot over seven hundred birds. The movie felt like it was moving too fast. Each scene was too fleeting and as a viewer, I never felt like I could settle into the story. The film was essentially, an extended montage with dialogue. Each of the characters had personal obstacles to deal with, but since the film was told over such a long period of time (one year), the personal obstacles seemed like they were never fully addressed. More notably, Owen Wilson’s character’s marital problems seemed glossed over at times.
Mistake number three: The rivalry between the characters was downplayed. I would have liked to have seen Owen Wilson play a more ruthless competitor. Instead he meandered from random US location to random US location. There was a possible gold mine of potential for comedy if his character was allowed to be a bit more wild and unpredictable.
Mistake number four: Steve Martin and Jack Black’s characters should have formed a friendship sooner and had more of an odd couple type of relationship. They need each other yet they don’t necessarily compliment one another well therefore, crazy hijinks would ensue.
Mistake number five: This was a comedy without laughs! Oh wait…. I said that one already. Hmmm. Well it’s just that darn important. Where has all the laughter gone? Did the birds steal it away? Why was the film so tame and cautious (PG rating)? I wanted the writers to up the ante. Hiking in the mountains could lead to dangers with cliffs or the wildlife. Snorkling to find rare sea birds could lead to splish splash fun or maybe one of the characters tries to cheat and go to a bird sanctuary. I don’t know! Anything could have been done to improve this laughless motion picture.
The Breakdown: If you are someone who thinks bird watching is entertaining, then by all means, enjoy this middle of the road film. Personally, I felt the movie desperately needed a laugh track to inform the viewer of the appropriate times to laugh. Honestly, it pains me to say this, since I like the cast, but I would pass on this film. It really isn’t worth your time.
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