Sunday, February 27, 2011

Winter's Bone (2 Stars)

Honestly, I don't understand why there is so much critical hoo-ha  revolving around this film. Jennifer Lawrence is a solid lead. Not an Oscar worthy performance in my humblest of opinions, but still quite good. She plays a poor teenager stuck in the Ozarks who is searching for her dad through some very shady individuals. To make things even more complicated, she has less than a week to find him otherwise her and her siblings will be kicked out of their home. 

The movie could have been more exciting than it was. Sure there was that killer scene on the boat towards the conclusion of the film and John Hawkes gave an edgy performance as the scene stealing bandit known in the film as Teardrop; however, the movie on a whole is kinda blah. It slugs along to an anticlimactic finale that made me feel like nothing was truly accomplished throughout the duration of the film. Sure, slower paced movies can be great. I love me some slow paced movies mixed between my action packed flicks or tickle me silly comedies. Slower stories can make a movie seem more plausible in the real world. Unfortunately, this film is slower than a slow poke walking in reverse. It meanders along with a couple herky jerky moments and then paddles to an ending of sorts. The characters were left as they were when the film began. No better. No worse. Which is sad, but ultimately not that satisfying to watch as a viewer.

The Breakdown: I thought this was a very average film. Far from great, but not by any means bad. Out of all the Oscar nominated films I've seen, this is the one I would switch out and replace with The Town, a movie that deserved much more Academy love.

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